Most Common Tomato Pests & Diseases

You have problems with tomato pests or diseases in your garden or on your balcony?

Stick with me since I will show you easy but yet effective ways to control tomato diseases and pests in this article!

Tomato Pests

PestHow to control it
CutwormsCutworms are quite common on tomato plants. Fortunately, there are easy ways how to get rid of cutworms.
Flea beetlesFlea beetles may also do great damage to tomato plants. You can get rid of flea beetles using insecticidal soap or pesticides from the garden center.
AphidsAphids may also populate tomato plants. Hence, also make sure to get information on how to get rid of aphids.
Blister BeetlesBlister beetles may also try to feed on tomato plants. You can get rid of them using diatomite or insecticidal soap from the garden center.
NematodesNematodes may also harm your tomato plants. You can control them using neem oil or insecticidal soap.
HornwormsHornworms may also become a problem when growing tomatoes at home. You can get rid of them using neem oil or pesticides.
WhitefliesWhiteflies may also be present when growing tomatoes. Thus, also get some tips and tricks on how to get rid of whiteflies.
Spider mitesSpider mites may also populate tomato plants. Fortunately, there are easy ways how to get rid of spider mites in your garden.
Slugs and snailsSlugs and snails are also pretty common when growing tomatoes in your garden. Thus, also make sure to get some information on how to control snails and slugs in your garden.
Tomato beetlesTomato beetles may also feed on tomato plants. You can get rid of them using insecticidal soap or neem oil.
LeafhoppersLeafhoppers may also feed on the leaves of tomato plants. You can deter leafhoppers using diatomite or stinging nettle liquid.
LeafminersLeafminers may also be present when growing tomatoes at home. You can get rid of them using insecticidal soap from the garden center.
Stink bugsStink bugs may also be annoying companions when growing tomatoes at home. You can get rid of them using neem oil.

Tomato Diseases

DiseaseHow to control it
MoldPlant mold is quite common on tomato plants. Fortunately, there are many easy ways how to control plant mold.
Stem cankerStem canker may do great damage to tomato plants. You can control stem canker using fungicides from the garden center.
AnthracnoseAnthracnose may also do some damage to tomatoes. You can get rid of anthracnose using conventional fungicides.
Early blightEarly blight may lead to the decay of tomato plants. Fortunately, there are many easy ways how to get rid of early blight.
Fusarium wiltFusarium wilt is a serious plant disease. Once it is present, the best thing to do is just to remove infested plants to avoid the spread of fusarium wilt in your garden.
Powdery mildewPowdery mildew is also quite common on tomato plants. Thus, also inform yourself on how to control powdery mildew.
Downy mildewDowny mildew can be another annoying plant disease you have to deal with when growing tomatoes at home. You can get rid of downy mildew using fungicides.
Root rotRoot rot often happens when your plants are watered too often or don’t get enough nutrients. Hence, make sure to slow down your watering schedule and also add some fertilizer to the soil.
Damping-offDamping-off often occurs when you don’t provide good germination conditions to your tomato seeds. In case you spot damping-off, make sure to improve soil and lighting conditions.
Leaf spotLeaf spot is another common problem when growing tomatoes. Hence, also get some tips and tricks on how to control leaf spot on garden plants.
Blossom-end rotBlossom end rot is quite common on tomato plants. Fortunately, there are easy ways to control blossom-end rot.

Tomato Pests & Diseases – Summary List

Flea beetlesPlant mold
HornwormsPowdery mildew
Slugs & snailsDowny mildew
Spider mitesDamping-off
LeafhoppersRoot rot
Blister beetlesFusarium wilt
Stink bugsLeaf spot
LeafminersBlossom-end rot
Spider mitesStem canker
Tomato beetles

How to deal with Tomato Pests & Diseases?

As you can see, there are many easy ways how to get rid of tomato pests and diseases.

If you want to get more information about growing tomatoes at home in general, you should also have a look at my tomato grower’s guide and my growing tomato FAQ section.


Own experience.

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