Growing Cucumbers In Oregon: Everything You Need To Know

You think about growing cucumber plants in your garden or on your balcony in the Oregon region and wonder what specific things you may have to take into account to get the best results possible?

Great! Stick with me since I will show you everything you need to know to grow cucumbers in Oregon in a really great manner.

Not only will you learn how to adjust to climatic conditions but you will also get information on what wild animals and pests you may have to keep away from your plants and much more.

After reading this article, you will be able to avoid many mistakes other people often make when growing cucumbers in the Oregon region.

Enough talk, let’s give you the information you came for!

Do cucumbers grow well in Oregon?

Cucumbers grow really well in the Oregon region since climatic conditions are just awesome and your plants will get lots of sun, warm weather and many other things they need to grow in a proper manner.

How long does it take to grow cucumbers in Oregon?

It will usually take you between 13 and 17 weeks to grow cucumbers in Oregon from sowing to harvest.

If you want to see results even faster, you may want to rely on growing cucumbers from seedlings from the store since this would shorten the absolute growing time by up to one month.

How big do cucumber plants grow in Oregon?

While cucumber plants usually don’t grow really big vertically, they can still get quite big and bushy and you should therefore provide each plant with at least 3 feet of space to each side so your cucumbers will have enough space to get enough natural resources.

Can you expect great yields when growing cucumbers in Oregon?

Since climatic conditions for growing cucumbers in Oregon are just really nice, you will also be able to get pretty decent cucumber yields as long as you follow the advice in this article and also care well for your plants.

When to grow cucumbers in Oregon?

You should start sowing cucumber seeds outdoors as soon as you no longer expect winter frost in your region.

In most parts of Oregon, this will be between March and April.

Can you grow cucumbers in Oregon in winter?

You should not try to grow cucumber plants at home during winter months since climatic and lighting conditions would just not be great during this time and you would have a harder time getting decent cucumber yields.

Can you grow cucumbers in Oregon multiple times per year?

Thanks to rather long growing seasons in the Oregon region, you can not only grow one single batch of cucumber plants but may be able to grow multiple plants at different times of the year so you may be able to harvest cucumbers for many months.

What cucumber varieties grow best in Oregon?

When growing cucumbers in Oregon, you should choose varieties that can deal with moderately hot climatic conditions in a proper manner. I listed some of the most popular ones for you below:

  • Summer Set Cucumbers
  • Summer Dance Cucumbers
  • Cobra Cucumbers
  • Niagara Cucumbers
  • Lider Cucumbers
  • Lemon Cucumbers
  • Stonewall Cucumbers
  • Taurus Cucumbers
  • Thunderbird Cucumbers
  • Masterpiece Cucumbers
  • Indio Cucumbers

Is it better to grow cucumbers in Oregon from seeds or seedlings?

Since growing season is pretty long and climatic conditions therefore allow it to grow cucumbers from seed, there is no need to rely on seedlings from the store if you want to get the full growing experience.

Should you start growing cucumbers in Oregon indoors?

Since you can start growing cucumbers from seed outdoors rather early in the year, there is no real need for pre-growing cucumber seedlings indoors and you can therefore just skip this step and save yourself some effort.

How to water cucumber plants in Oregon?

While you may not have to water your cucumber plants much when they are still young, you may have to water your cucumbers much more once they get bigger and it gets hotter outdoors and during hot summer days, you may have to water your plants even daily so they don’t dry up and are able to deliver solid cucumber yields at the end of the growing cycle.

Do you have to protect cucumbers against the sun in Oregon?

You don’t have to protect your cucumber plants against the sun.

Instead, you can just let your plants grow in a natural manner and once they get bigger, your plants will become more resistant to increasing radiation and heat anyway.

Will wild animals feed on cucumber plants in Oregon?

Wild animals like deer, rabbits and mice may want to get their share of your cucumber plants in the Oregon region.

Hence, if you don’t want to lose at least part of your yield to those hungry folks, you may want to protect your plants by installing a fence or deter them in a different manner.

Cucumber pests & plant diseases in Oregon

Whiteflies, bugs and other pests are often pretty common when growing cucumbers in Oregon.

Fortunately, there are simple ways to treat cucumber pests and plant diseases.

When to harvest cucumbers in Oregon?

By sowing cucumber seeds between March and April, you will usually be able to harvest your cucumber plants around August.

However, don’t get discouraged if it takes you a little bit longer since this also greatly depends on the cucumber variety you want to grow and also on overall growing conditions as well as on your level of experience when it comes to gardening in general.

Additional Information for Growing Cucumbers at Home

Now that you know how to grow cucumbers in Oregon in a proper manner, you may also want to have a look at my detailed cucumber grower’s guide to get step-by-step instructions on how to grow great cucumber plants at home in general.

If there are still some open questions left, you may also want to have a look at my growing cucumber FAQ section where you will find answers to most questions people often have when growing cucumbers at home.


Own research.

About the Author

My name is Andreas and I’m really passionate about our environment and also about growing plants. In fact, I have grown several different plants over many years. I love to see my own plants grow and also always try new things to improve my overall conditions at home.

In my blog posts, I want to share my experiences with you so that you can become successful in growing various different plants and improving your home as well, even though you might still be a beginner right now.

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