Growing Cucumbers In New Hampshire: Everything You Need To Know

You want to know whether it is possible to grow great cucumber plants in the New Hampshire region at home?

Of course, it is! Nevertheless, there are some things you should take into account if you want to make your gardening project in this region a real success.

Not only will you have to adjust your watering behavior over time but you may also have to keep away hungry wild animals and pests from your plants.

After reading this article, you will be able to avoid many mistakes many other people make when growing cucumbers in this region and may also be able to give some useful advice to your neighbors.

Without further ado, let’s get right into it!

Do cucumbers grow well in New Hampshire?

Since New Hampshire is a rather cool place and your plants may not get as many hours of sunlight as in many other warmer regions in the US, you may have a harder time growing cucumbers in New Hampshire at home compared to people growing cucumbers in Georgia or other warmer regions.

However, you can still get pretty decent results as long as you follow the tips and tricks in this article and also care well for your plants in general.

How long does it take to grow cucumbers in New Hampshire?

Most people in New Hampshire are able to grow cucumbers from seed to harvest within 14 to 18 weeks.

If you want to see results quicker, you may want to rely on seedlings from the store since this could save you up to one month of growing time.

How big do cucumber plants grow in New Hampshire?

Even though climatic conditions may not be perfect, your plants can still get pretty big and you should provide each plant with at least 3 feet of space to each side so your plants can enjoy natural resources as best as possible and don’t have to compete for them with each other which would slow down the growing process.

Can you expect great yields when growing cucumbers in New Hampshire?

While climatic conditions may not be perfect, you may still get pretty decent cucumber yields as long as you care well for your plants and are also willing to put some extra work into your gardening project.

When to grow cucumbers in New Hampshire?

You should start sowing cucumber seeds outdoors once you no longer have to worry about spring frost in your region.

In most parts of New Hampshire, this will be around May.

Can you grow cucumbers in New Hampshire in winter?

Since winters in New Hampshire are pretty cold and lighting conditions are rather poor, you would not be able to grow cucumbers outdoors and would rather need a heated greenhouse which could be quite costly since you would have to use lots of energy and this would often just not be worth it from an economical point of view.

Can you grow cucumbers in New Hampshire multiple times per year?

Since winters are rather long and growing season is rather short, you should not try to grow multiple cucumber plants at different times of the year since later batches of plants will often not get ready before winter frost arrives.

What cucumber varieties grow best in New Hampshire?

For growing cucumbers in New Hampshire, you should choose varieties that get along with cool climatic conditions in a proper manner. Those include:

  • Carmen Cucumbers
  • Diva Cucumbers
  • Jogger Cucumbers
  • Lucky Dance Cucumbers
  • Olympian Cucumbers
  • Soarer Cucumbers
  • Taurus Cucumbers
  • Telegraph Cucumbers
  • Zeina Cucumbers
  • Yaniv Cucumbers

Is it better to grow cucumbers in New Hampshire from seeds or seedlings?

Due to rather short growing seasons, you may be better off growing cucumbers in New Hampshire from seedlings instead of seeds since you would be at lower risk that your plants would not get ready before winter frost arrives.

Should you start growing cucumbers in New Hampshire indoors?

If you want to harvest your cucumber plants rather early in the year, you may also want to pre-grow cucumber seedlings indoors around March, transplant them outdoors around May and may be able to harvest your plants between July and August.

How to water cucumber plants in New Hampshire?

While you may not have to water your cucumber plants much while they are still small and it is rather cool outdoors, times change and once it gets warmer outdoors and your plants get bigger, you may have to water them almost daily so your plants will not dry up and can grow in an optimal manner.

Do you have to protect cucumbers against the sun in New Hampshire?

Since radiation and heat are not a big problem for your plants in New Hampshire in the early months of the year, you don’t have to protect your plants from the sun.

Instead, you can just let your cucumbers grow in a natural manner and they will become more resistant to the sun on their own once they get bigger.

Will wild animals feed on cucumber plants in New Hampshire?

Rabbits, deer and voles may try feeding on your cucumber plants in the New Hampshire region and by installing a fence, you may be able to keep away those hungry animals at least to a certain extent.

Cucumber pests & plant diseases in New Hampshire

Cutworms, nematodes and slugs may also try to get their share of your cucumber plants in New Hampshire.

Fortunately, it is not hard to keep away pests and plant diseases from your cucumber plants.

When to harvest cucumbers in New Hampshire?

If you start sowing cucumber seeds in May, you will usually be able to harvest your cucumber plants around September.

If you want to get results earlier in the year, you may have to pre-grow cucumber seedlings indoors around March so you may be able to harvest your plants around August.

Additional Information for Growing Cucumbers at Home

I hope you have found everything you need to grow cucumbers in New Hampshire in a proper manner.

If you want to get even more detailed information on growing cucumbers at home step-by-step, you should also have a look at my cucumber grower’s guide.

If you have really specific questions, you may also want to check out my growing cucumber FAQ section where you will find answers to most questions people often have when growing cucumbers at home.


Own research.

About the Author

My name is Andreas and I’m really passionate about our environment and also about growing plants. In fact, I have grown several different plants over many years. I love to see my own plants grow and also always try new things to improve my overall conditions at home.

In my blog posts, I want to share my experiences with you so that you can become successful in growing various different plants and improving your home as well, even though you might still be a beginner right now.

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