Most Common Strawberry Pests & Diseases

You have problems with strawberry pests and diseases in your garden or on your balcony?

Stick with me since I will show you easy but yet effective ways how to get rid of strawberry pests and diseases in the following chapters.

Strawberry Pests

PestHow to control it
WeevilsWeevils are quite common when growing strawberries. You can get rid of them using pesticides or insecticidal soap from the garden center.
Slugs and snailsSlugs may also try to feed on strawberry plants. Thus, make sure to get some information on how to get rid of slugs and snails.
Tarnished plant bugsTarnished plant bugs may also do great damage to strawberry plants. You can deter them using diatomite or insecticidal soap.
Sap beetlesSap beetles also slow down the growth of strawberries. You can get rid of them using pesticides or insecticidal soap from the garden center.
Crown borersCrown borers also have the potential to greatly lower your yields. You can control crown borers using diatomite, neem oil or insecticidal soap.
FroghoppersFroghoppers may also become quite annoying companions when growing strawberries. You can deter them using insecticidal soap or pesticides.
Spider mitesSpider mites may also do significant damage to strawberry plants. Fortunately, there are easy ways to get rid of spider mites.
ThripsThrips may also be present when growing strawberries. Hence, also get some tips on how to get rid of thrips in your garden.
FruitfliesWhile fruitflies are often not that detrimental for strawberry plants, you can still get rid of them using neem oil or stinging nettle liquid.
GrubsGrubs may also do great damage to strawberry plants. You can keep them under control using diatomite or removing them by hand.
LeafhoppersLeafhoppers are also hungry companions that frequently feed on strawberry plants. You can get rid of them using neem oil or insecticidal soap from the garden center.
CutwormsCutworms can also do significant damage to strawberry plants. Thus, also make sure to get some information on how to get rid of cutworms in your garden.
AphidsAphids are also pretty common on strawberry plants. Fortunately, there are easy steps how to get rid of aphids.

Strawberry Diseases

DiseaseHow to control it
Plant moldMold is quite common on strawberry plants. Hence, make sure to inform yourself on how to get rid of plant mold in your garden.
Leaf spotLeaf spot is another common plant disease. Thus, also get some tips and tricks on how to control leaf spot disease.
Plant rustPlant rust may be another issue when growing strawberries at home. Fortunately, there are easy ways how to get rid of plant rust.
Damping-offDamping-off often occurs if you don’t provide optimal germination conditions to strawberry seeds and seedlings. Hence, improve lighting and soil conditions to prevent damping-off as best as possible.
AnthracnoseAnthracnose may also do great damage to strawberry plants. You can get rid of it using fungicides from the garden center.
Black root rotBlack root rot is a serious plant disease. You can control root rot using fungicides and also by slowing down your watering schedule.
Powdery mildewPowdery mildew is also quite common on strawberry plants. Hence, also get some tips and tricks on how to get rid of powdery mildew.
Fusarium wiltFusarium wilt may also infest strawberry plants. Once it is present, there is no active treatment and you should just get rid of infested plants as soon as possible to avoid the spread of wilt in your garden.

Strawberry Pests & Diseases – Summary List

SlugsPowdery mildew
CutwormsLeaf spot
LeafhoppersRoot rot
Spider mitesAnthracnose
Crown borers
Tarnished plant bugs
Sap beetles

How to deal with Strawberry Pests & Diseases?

Now that you got easy ways how to control strawberry pests and diseases, you may also want to have a look at my strawberry grower’s guide and my growing strawberries FAQ section to get even more information on how to grow strawberries at home in the best possible manner.


Own experience.

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