Most Common Lettuce Pests & Diseases

You want to know how to get rid of lettuce pests and diseases?

Make sure to check out all the tips and tricks on how to control lettuce pests in the following article.

Lettuce Pests

PestHow to control it
AphidsAphids populate lettuce plants quite often. Hence, make sure to inform yourself on how to get rid of aphids in your garden.
CaterpillarsCaterpillars may also try to feed on lettuce. Thus, make sure to also get some information on how to control caterpillars.
LoopersLoopers can also do great damage to lettuce. Hence, make sure to also check out how to treat loopers in your garden.
CutwormsCutworms also often feed on lettuce plants. Consequently, make sure to get advice on how to get rid of cutworms.
Snails and slugsSlugs are also attracted by lettuce plants. Hence, make sure to also get some information on how to control slugs and snails in your garden.
LeafminersLeafminers are hungry intruders that love to feed on lettuce. You can get rid of leafminers by using insecticidal soap or spray neem oil onto your plants.
WhitefliesWhiteflies may also populate lettuce plants. Hence, make sure to also get some information on how to treat whiteflies efficiently.
GrubsGrubs can do great damage to lettuce plants. You can get rid of grubs by using diatomite or insecticidal soap you can get from the garden center.
ArmywormsArmyworms may also feed on lettuce. You can get rid of them by using insecticidal soap or other pesticides.
LeafhopperLeafhoppers are hungry intruders that love to feed on lettuce. You can deter leafhoppers by using neem oil or other substances that have a strong flavor that repels leafhoppers.
NematodesNematodes may also be present when growing lettuce. You can get rid of nematodes by using insecticidal soap or other pesticides.
ThripsThrips are also annoying companions when growing lettuce. Thus, make sure to also get some information on how to control thrips in your garden.
Flea beetlesFlea beetles may also try feeding on lettuce plants. You can get rid of flea beetles by using insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Lettuce Diseases

DiseaseHow to control it
MoldMold often occurs on lettuce if you don’t assure proper air circulation. If you have problems with mold, also make sure to get additional information on how to get rid of mold on your plants.
Fusarium wiltFusarium wilt is a serious plant disease. Once it is present, the best thing to do is just to remove infested plants to prevent the spread of fusarium wilt in your garden.
Downy mildewDowny mildew may also occur on lettuce. You can get rid of downy mildew by using fungicides you can get from the garden center.
Powdery mildewPowdery mildew is another common plant disease on lettuce. Hence, make sure to also inform yourself on how to control powdery mildew.
Bottom rotBottom rot may also occur on lettuce if you don’t provide good growing conditions. To avoid bottom rot, make sure that air is able to circulate well and that waterlogging will not be an issue.
Ring spotAlthough rare, ring spot may also be an issue when growing lettuce. Once this plant disease is present, you should get rid of infested plant material to avoid the spread of ring spot in your garden.
PythiumPythium is a fungus-like organism. Hence, you can get rid of pythium by using strong fungicides from the garden center.
Leaf spotLeaf spot is also quite common on lettuce plants. Thus, make sure to inform yourself on how to get rid of bacterial leaf spot.
Basal rotBasal rot may also become an issue on lettuce plants. You can control basal rot by using a combination of fungicides and pesticides.

Lettuce Pests & Diseases – Summary List

LeafminersBasal rot
LoopersLeaf spot
CaterpillarsBottom rot
SlugsFusarium wilt
LeafhoppersPowdery mildew
ArmywormsDowny mildew
Flea beetles

How to deal with Lettuce Pests & Diseases?

Now that you know easy but yet effective ways on how to treat lettuce pests and diseases, you may also want to have a look at my lettuce grower’s guide and my growing lettuce FAQ section to get even more information about growing lettuce in general.


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