Most Common Cabbage Pests & Diseases

You want to know how to get rid of cabbage pests and diseases in your garden or on your balcony?

Stick with me since I will show you many tips and tricks on how you can control cabbage plant diseases and pests in the following chapters.

Cabbage Pests

PestHow to control it
Leaf minersLeaf miners will try to feed on cabbage plants. You can get rid of leaf miners by spraying cabbage plants with stinging nettle liquid or neem oil.
AphidsAphids are one of the most common pests on cabbage plants. Hence, make sure to get information on how to get rid of aphids.
CaterpillarsCaterpillars frequently try to feed on cabbage leaves and roots. Thus, make sure to learn how to control caterpillars in your garden.
LoopersSimilar to caterpillars, loopers can also do significant damage to cabbage plants. Hence, make sure to get information on how to get rid of loopers.
MothsCabbage moths can do serious damage to your plants. You can keep moths away by keeping your garden tidy. You can also spray neem oil onto your plants or use insecticidal soap.
Snails and slugsSlugs can destroy your entire cabbage yield. Hence, make sure to inform yourself on how to get rid of slugs and snails in your garden.
BugsThere are many different bugs that will try to feed on cabbage plants. You can keep away most of those bugs by spraying cabbage with neem oil since bugs usually don’t like the taste at all.
ArmywormsArmyworms can slow down the growth of cabbage plants. It is therefore crucial that you keep them away using horticultural soap.
CutwormsCutworms may also try feeding on cabbage plants. Make sure to get some information on how to get rid of cutworms.
HornwormsHornworms can be quite annoying companions when growing cabbage. You can control cutworms by using insecticidal soap or neem oil.
Cabbage wormCabbage worms, as the name already tells, often try to feed on cabbage leaves and roots. You can get rid of cabbage worms by using horticultural soap or neem oil.
Flea beetlesFlea beetles can adversely affect the growth of cabbage plants. Hence, make sure to control flea beetles by spraying neem oil or vinegar onto cabbage leaves.

Cabbage Diseases

DiseaseHow to control it
MoldTo get rid of mold on cabbage plants, make sure that air can circulate well. Also get some additional information on how to get rid of plant mold.
Plant rustRust can be another problem on cabbage plants. Hence, make sure to also learn how to get rid of plant rust.
Daming offDamping off means that cabbage seeds and seedlings will not turn into strong plants but rather decay. To prevent damping-off, make sure to provide optimal soil and lighting conditions and also don’t water your plants too often.
Leaf spotLeaf spot is a quite common problem on cabbage. Make sure to inform yourself on how to control leaf spot on your garden plants.
Black rotBlack rot is a serious plant disease. Once cabbage is infected by black rot, there is no easy treatment and you should rather remove infested plants from your garden to avoid the spread of black rot to other garden plants.
Downy mildewDowny mildew is also quite common on cabbage plants. You can treat it by spraying vinegar onto the leaves of your plants.
Powdery mildewSimilar to downy mildew, powdery mildew also needs to be treated to get relief for cabbage plants. Hence, make sure to learn how to get rid of powdery mildew.
ClubrootClubroot can be a quite annoying plant disease. Once you see clubroot infestation, it is already too late and you should just remove infested plants to avoid the spread of clubroot in your garden.
BlacklegBlackleg can lead to the decay of cabbage plants. You can avoid blackleg by slowing down your watering schedule.
WiltTo avoid wilt on cabbage plants, make sure to fertilize your plants on a regular basis and also make sure to prune your plants properly.

Cabbage Diseases & Pests – Summary List

Cabbage wormsPowdery mildew
HornwormsDowny mildew
CutwormsBlack rot
Flea beetlesPlant rust
ArmywormsPlant mold
CaterpillarsLeaf spot
Leaf miners

How to deal with Cabbage Pests & Diseases?

As you can see, it is pretty easy to get rid of most cabbage pests and diseases if you know what you are doing.

Make sure to also have a look at my cabbage grower’s guide and on my growing cabbage FAQ section to get even more information on how to grow cabbage at home in a proper manner.


Own experience.

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