Good & Bad Brussels Sprouts Companion Plants

You want to grow brussels sprouts at home and wonder what plants you should grow next to them?

Great, then this article is exactly for you since I show you the best and worst brussels sprouts companion plants in the following chapters so that you can grow your brussels sprouts in an optimal manner.

Why do I need Companion Plants for Growing Sprouts?

Companion plants are important since they help to keep away pests and diseases from your brussels sprouts.

They also keep the soil moist, loosen it up, attract pollinators and can therefore improve the overall growth behavior of your brussels sprouts.

However, there are not only good companion plants.

Some of them may even hurt the growth conditions of your brussels sprouts.

It is therefore crucial that you check out the best and worst companion plants for your brussels sprouts to avoid any mistakes in this regard.

Good Brussels Sprouts Companion Plants

Companion PlantWhy is it good?
CarrotsCan enhance the flavor of your brussels sprouts.
CeleryKeeps away bugs.
PeasLoosen the soil.
OnionsCan help to repel rust flies.
MintRepels aphids and flea beetles.
BasilRepels flies, mites, mosquitos and aphids.
RosemaryKeeps away moths and rust flies.
BeansFixing nitrogen in the soil.
MarigoldRepels nematodes and whiteflies.
ChamomileCan improve the flavor of your brussels sprouts.
DillAttracts bees for pollination.
GarlicRepels aphids, maggots and whiteflies.
SageKeeps away moths and rust flies.

Bad Brussels Sprouts Companion Plants

Companion PlantWhy is it bad?
EggplantsTake away nutrients from your brussels sprouts.
PeppersTake away sunlight from your sprouts.
PotatoesAttract pests that can hurt your brussels sprouts.
TomatoesTake away precious nutrients from your sprouts.
Mustard GreensMay attract pests that feed on brussels sprouts.

Best & Worst Brussel Sprouts Companion Plants – Summary

Best Sprouts Companion PlantsWorst Sprouts Companion Plants
DillMustard Greens

What should you plant with Brussels Sprouts?

The best companion plants for brussels sprouts are sage, chamomile, garlic, marigold, dill, onions, basil, celery, mint, peas, carrots, rosemary and beans as you can see from the previous tables.

Also make sure not to plant potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and mustard greens next to your brussels sprouts since those plants can have rather negative effects on your plants and your harvest.

I hope this article was helpful to you and you now know what plants you should grow near your sprouts and which ones you should plant with a sufficient distance.

If you are also interested in growing brussels sprouts in an optimal manner in general, make sure to check out my article that covers how to grow brussels sprouts from seed to harvest.

About the Author

My name is Andreas and I’m really passionate about our environment and also about growing plants. In fact, I have grown several different plants over many years. I love to see my plants grow and also always try new things to improve my overall conditions at home.

In my blog posts, I want to share my experiences with you so that you can become successful in growing various different plants and improving your home as well, even though you might still be a beginner right now.

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