Good & Bad Swiss Chard Companion Plants

You want to grow swiss chard at home but are not sure what plants you should grow with your chard?

Then this article is exactly for you!

In fact, I show you the best and worst swiss chard companion plants in the following chapters.

Why do I need Companion Plants to grow Swiss Chard?

Swiss chard just grows better and provides higher yields if it is planted with the right companion plants.

Companion plants attract pollinators, provide shade, loosen the soil, keep it moist, keep away pests and can also improve the flavor of your swiss chard.

As you can see, companion planting can have many important advantages for your chard plants.

Yet, there are also plants you should never grow near your swiss chards.

Therefore, make sure to check out the tables below where I show you what plants you should (not) grow with your chards and why.

Good Swiss Chard Companion Plants

Companion PlantWhy is it good?
CeleryKeeps away pests.
LettucePrevents weeds from spreading.
Bush beansFix nitrogen in the soil.
PeasFix nitrogen in the soil.
RosemaryImproves the flavor of your swiss chard.
MarjoramKeeps away pests.
ThymeImproves the flavor of your swiss chard.
MintAttracts good insects and keeps away flea beetles.
LavenderImproves the flavor of your swiss chard.
BasilKeeps away pests.
ChivesKeep away pests and harmful insects.
LeeksKeep away pests and harmful insects.
CabbageLoosens the soil.
AlyssumGround cover that conserves moisture in the soil.
MarigoldRepels nematodes.
KohlrabiLoosens the soil.
RadishesLoosen the soil.
TropaeolumAttract pollinators and repel aphids.
KaleLoosens the soil.
OnionsKeep away pests and harmful insects.
Collard GreensLoosen the soil.
GarlicKeeps away pests and harmful insects.

Bad Swiss Chard Companion Plants

Companion PlantWhy is it bad?
SunflowersTake away sun and emit harmful substances to the soil.
BeetsAttract pests.
AmaranthAttract pests.
QuinoaAttract pests.
PotatoesCompete for nutrients with your chard plants.
CucumbersTake away nutrients and may strangle your chards.
MelonsTake away nutrients and may strangle your chards.
PumpkinsTake away nutrients and may strangle your chards.
CornCompetes for nutrients with your chard plants.

Best & Worst Swiss Chard Companion Plants – Summary

Best Companion PlantsWorst Companion Plants
Collard GreensCucumbers
Bush beans

What should you plant with Swiss Chard?

Good companion plants for swiss chard are leeks, kale, cabbage, lettuce, marigolds, celery, peas, bush beans, rosemary, mint, thyme, basil, chives, marjoram, lavender, kohlrabi, radish, onions, garlic, alyssum, tropaeolum and collard greens.

You should not plant chard next to sunflowers, beets, quinoa, amaranth, pumpkins, melons, corn, potatoes or cucumbers.

I hope you now got all the information regarding what you should plant with your swiss chard. If you want to learn more about growing swiss chard in general, make sure to also check out my grower’s guide of how to grow chard from seed to harvest.

About the Author

My name is Andreas and I’m really passionate about our environment and also about growing plants. In fact, I have grown several different plants over many years. I love to see my plants grow and also always try new things to improve my overall conditions at home.

In my blog posts, I want to share my experiences with you so that you can become successful in growing various different plants and improving your home as well, even though you might still be a beginner right now.

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