Most Common Potato Pests & Diseases

You have problems with pests and diseases on potato plants in your garden or on your balcony?

Stick with me since I will show you how to get rid of potato pests and diseases in a proper manner.

Potato Pests

PestHow to control it
CutwormsCutworms can do great damage to potato plants. Hence, make sure to get some tips and tricks on how to get rid of cutworms.
Potato beetlesPotato beetles are also quite common on potato plants. You can get rid of them using insecticidal soap or pesticides from the garden center.
AphidsAphids are annoying companions when growing potatoes. Hence, make sure to get some information on how to deter aphids.
ArmywormsArmyworms can also slow down the growth of potato plants. You can get rid of armyworms by removing them by hand or by using insecticidal soap from the garden center.
LeafhopperLeafhoppers may also do significant damage to potato plants. You can get rid of them using pesticides. Alternatively, you can also try spraying neem oil onto your potato plants.
GrubsGrubs may also populate potato plants. You can get rid of them using pesticides or insecticidal soap.
BugsThere may also be all kinds of bugs present when growing potatoes that may try to feed on your plants. You can control them by using insecticidal soap or neem diatomite.
WhitefliesWhiteflies are also quite common when growing potatoes at home. Hence, also make sure to get some hints on how to control whiteflies in your garden.
WirewormsWireworms may also try feeding on potato plants. You can get rid of wireworms spraying your plants with neem oil or pesticides.

Potato Diseases

DiseaseHow to control it
MoldMold is quite common on potato plants if you don’t assure proper airflows. Hence, make sure to get some information on how to get rid of plant mold.
RustRust may be another issue when growing potatoes. Fortunately, there are easy ways how to control rust on garden plants.
Leaf spotLeaf spot may also become an issue when growing potatoes at home. Thus, make sure to also inform yourself on how to control leaf spot.
SunscaldSunscald often becomes a problem if you expose your potato plants to too much intense sunlight. Hence, just move your plants to a partially shady spot to control sunscald in a proper manner.
Damping-offDamping-off often happens to potato seedlings due to improper germination conditions. Hence, improve soil and lighting conditions as best as possible to prevent damping-off.
BlightBlight is also often a problem when growing potatoes. Thus, make sure to get some information on how to get rid of early blight.
Downy mildewDowny mildew is a fungal disease that can have a significant adverse effect on the growth of potato plants. You can get rid of downy mildew using fungicides from the garden center.
Powdery mildewPowdery mildew also often occurs on potato plants. Hence, also inform yourself on how to control powdery mildew in your garden.
Common scabCommon scab may also occur on potato plants. You can get rid of it by improving soil conditions.
Root rotYou can prevent root rot by watering your plants less often and also by optimizing soil pH.
Brown rotBrown rot often occurs when you don’t provide good air circulation and also don’t provide your plants with sufficient nutrients. Hence, add some fertilizer to the soil to control brown rot on potato plants.

Potato Pests & Diseases – Summary List

WhitefliesLeaf spot
AphidsPlant rust
GrubsCommon scab
LeafhopperBrown rot
Potato beetleRoot rot
WirewormsDowny mildew
BugsPowdery mildew

How to deal with Potato Pests & Diseases?

Now that you got all the information you need to control potato pests and diseases at home, you may also want to have a look at my potato grower’s guide and my growing potato FAQ article to get further information about growing potatoes from seed to harvest.


Own experience.

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