Good & Bad Potato Companion Plants

You want to know what plants you should grow with potatoes?

Stick with me since I will show you the best and worst potato companion plants in this article!

Why do I need Companion Plants to grow Potatoes?

While it is actually possible to grow potatoes without any other plants, it is still not advisable since it makes your space use less efficient and you will also not benefit from many positive effects good companion plants can have on the growth behavior and the yield of potatoes.

For instance, good companion plants attract pollinators, loosen the soil, keep it moist, deter pests and also provide shade to your potatoes.

While good companion plants can have those beneficial characteristics, bad companion plants will do the opposite.

Hence, it is crucial for you to figure out the best potato companion plants by having a look at the following tables and also that you get to know all the plants you should avoid and why.

Good Potato Companion Plants

Companion PlantWhy is it good?
CilantroDeters pests and attracts beneficial insects.
ChivesKeeps away pests.
GarlicDeters pests.
OnionsKeep away pests.
MintImproves the flavor of potatoes and deters pests.
ThymeImproves the growth behavior of potatoes.
RosemaryImproves the flavor of potatoes and deters pests.
Brassicas (Cabbage, Kale, etc.)Improve soil conditions.
LeeksKeep away pests.
FlaxKeep away pests.
RadishLoosen the soil.
AlyssumDeters pests and attracts pollinators.
TansyDeters pests.
NasturtiumsDeter pests and attract pollinators.
MarigoldsAttract pollinators.
PetuniasDeter pests and attract pollinators.

Bad Potato Companion Plants

Companion PlantWhy is it bad?
CornTakes away too much sunlight.
PumpkinsTake away too many nutrients.
MelonsTake away too many nutrients.
BeansInhibit the growth of potatoes.
PeasInhibit the growth of potatoes.
PeppersFeed on similar nutrients.
TomatoesFeed on similar nutrients.
EggplantSlows down the growth of potatoes.
BerriesAttract pests.
CucumbersFeed on similar nutrients.
FennelSlows down the growth of potatoes.
AsparagusHeavy feeder that takes away nutrients from the soil.
Fruit treesAttract pests and bugs.

Best & Worst Potato Companion Plants – Summary List

Best Companion PlantsWorst Companion Plants
PetuniasFruit trees
Brassica family

What should you plant with Potatoes?

You should grow potatoes with thyme, cilantro, rosemary, chives, mint, brassicas, radishes, leeks, marigolds, alyssum, flax, nasturtiums, petunias, garlic, onions and tansy.

Avoid planting potatoes with peppers, pumpkin, melon, asparagus, corn, fennel, beans, peas, cucumbers, berries, eggplants, tomatoes and fruit trees.

If you want to learn more about growing potatoes in general, make sure to also have a look at my potato grower’s guide that shows you how to grow potatoes from seed to harvest step-by-step.

About the Author

My name is Andreas and I’m really passionate about our environment and also about growing plants. In fact, I have grown several different plants over many years. I love to see my plants grow and also always try new things to improve my overall conditions at home.

In my blog posts, I want to share my experiences with you so that you can become successful in growing various different plants and improving your home as well, even though you might still be a beginner right now.

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