Most Common Eggplant Pests & Diseases

You want to know how to control eggplant pests and diseases in your garden or on your balcony?

Great! Stick with me since I will show you many tips and tricks in this regard in the following chapters.

Eggplant Pests

PestHow to control it
Flea beetlesFlea beetles can slow down the growth of eggplants. Hence, make sure to get rid of flea beetles by using neem oil or spraying insecticidal soap onto the leaves of your plants.
ArmywormsArmyworms may try to feed on eggplants. You can keep them away by using diatomite or insecticidal soap.
CutwormsCutworms can do great damage to eggplants. Hence, it is crucial to inform yourself on how to get rid of cutworms.
AphidsAphids are quite common when growing eggplant. Thus, make sure to get more information on how to control aphids.
ThripsThrips can greatly slow down the growth of eggplants. Hence, you should get tips and tricks on how to get rid of thrips.
SlugsSlugs and snails can be annoying companions when growing eggplants. Thus, make sure to get some information on how to get rid of snails and slugs in your garden.
WhitefliesWhiteflies may also populate eggplants. Make sure to inform yourself on how to control whiteflies on your garden plants.
PinwormsPinworms may also try to feed on eggplants. You can keep away pinworms by using insecticidal soap or other pesticides.
LoopersLoopers and caterpillars are also quite common when growing eggplant. Hence, make sure to inform yourself on how to control loopers and caterpillars.
LeafminersLeafminers can do significant damage to eggplants. You can get rid of leafminers by using insecticidal soap or spraying neem oil onto the leaves of your plants.
HornwormsSimilar to leafminers, you can control hornworms by using insecticidal soap, neem oil or you can also try using diatomite.
Stink bugsStink bugs may also be present when growing eggplant. You can control stink bugs by manually removing them or using pesticides instead.
Spider mitesSpider mites are also pretty common on eggplants. Thus, make sure to get some information on how to control spider mites.

Eggplant Diseases

DiseaseHow to control it
Plant moldYou can get rid of mold on eggplants by making sure that air circulates well and by watering the soil less often. Also make sure to get additional information on how to get rid of mold on your plants.
BlightBlight is another common problem on eggplants. Thus, make sure to get more information on how to get rid of blight.
WiltWilt is also quite common on eggplants. Controlling wilt is pretty difficult once it is present and you should rather remove infested plants to prevent the spread of wilt to other garden plants.
Damping-offDamping-off happens if germination conditions are far away from perfect. Hence, make sure to improve soil conditions and to optimize lighting conditions to prevent the damping-off of seedlings.
Leaf spotLeaf spot can be another issue when growing eggplant. Thus, make sure to inform yourself on how to get rid of leaf spot.
AnthracnoseAlthough rather rare, anthracnose may also be a problem when growing eggplant. You can get rid of anthracnose by using a copper-based fungicide.
Powdery mildewPowdery mildew may lead to the decay of eggplants. Hence, it is crucial that you inform yourself on how to control powdery mildew in your garden.
SunscaldIf your plants suffer from sunscald, make sure to move them to a shadier spot in your garden to assure a healthy mix between sun and shade and to avoid sunscald in the future.

Eggplant Pests & Diseases – Summary List

LoopersLeaf spot
CutwormsPowdery mildew
Flea beetles
Snails and slugs
Spider mites
Stink bugs

How to deal with Eggplant Pests & Diseases?

Now that you know easy ways how to get rid of eggplant diseases and pests, you may also want to have a look at my eggplant grower’s guide and my growing eggplant FAQ section.


Own experience.

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