Good & Bad Cherry Tomato Companion Plants

You think about growing cherry tomatoes at home but are not sure what to grow with cherry tomatoes? Great!

This article is for you since I show you the best and worst cherry tomato companion plants in the following chapters.

Why do I need Companion Plants for growing Cherry Tomatoes?

Many people ask me why they actually need companion plants to grow cherry tomatoes in an optimal manner.

The truth is that you don’t actually need them, yet your cherry tomatoes will likely grow in a better manner with the right companion plants and also your yields tend to be higher.

Good companion plants attract pollinators, serve as a ground cover, provide shade, keep away pests and can enhance the flavor of your cherry tomatoes.

As you can see, good companion plants can have a significant positive effect on your cherry tomato plants.

Yet, there are also some plants that you should never grow near cherry tomatoes.

Consequently, make sure to have a look at the following tables to get more information regarding what plants you should grow with cherry tomatoes and why.

Good Cherry Tomato Companion Plants

Companion PlantWhy is it good?
ParsleyAttracts helpful insects.
BasilRepels harmful insects and worms.
ShallotsKeep away pests.
OnionsKeep away pests.
ChivesRepel aphids and other pests.
GarlicKeeps away spider mites.
BorageAttracts pollinators and keeps away hornworms.
PumpkinsGround cover to keep the soil moist.
MelonsGround cover to keep the soil moist.
AsparagusKeeps away nematodes.
CarrotsLoosen the soil.
NasturtiumsAttract pollinators.
PetuniasAttract pollinators.
MarigoldsAttract pollinators.

Bad Cherry Tomato Companion Plants

Companion PlantWhy is it bad?
CabbageSlows down the growth of your cherry tomatoes.
CauliflowersFeed on similar nutrients.
KaleSlows down growth.
Mustard GreensInhibits growth of your tomatoes.
BroccoliFeed on similar nutrients.
Brussels SproutsFeed on similar nutrients.
KohlrabiAdversely affects growth behavior of your tomatoes.
EggplantsMakes plant diseases more likely.
FennelEmits harmful elements to the soil.

Best & Worst Cherry Tomato Companion Plants – Summary List

Best Companion PlantsWorst Companion Plants
BorageBrussels Sprouts

What should you plant with Cherry Tomatoes?

Good companion plants for cherry tomatoes are parsley, basil, onions, shallots, garlic, pumpkin, melon, chives, borage, carrots, asparagus, nasturtiums, marigolds and petunias.

You should not plant cherry tomatoes with kale, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, fennel, eggplants, kohlrabi or mustard greens.

To learn more about growing cherry tomatoes in general, make sure that you also check out my grower’s guide on how to grow cherry tomatoes from seed.

About the Author

My name is Andreas and I’m really passionate about our environment and also about growing plants. In fact, I have grown several different plants over many years. I love to see my plants grow and also always try new things to improve my overall conditions at home.

In my blog posts, I want to share my experiences with you so that you can become successful in growing various different plants and improving your home as well, even though you might still be a beginner right now.

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