Most Common Brussels Sprout Pests & Diseases

You want to get rid of brussels sprouts pests and plant diseases in your garden or on your balcony?

Stick with me since I will show you how to control brussels sprouts pests and diseases in the following chapters.

Brussels Sprouts Pests

PestHow to control it
AphidsAphids are quite common on brussels sprout plants. Make sure to have a look at how to control aphids.
EarwigsEarwigs are small insects that may try to feed on sprout plants. Since they like moist soil, you should slow down your watering behavior and also spray your plants with neem oil to get rid of them.
MaggotsMaggots may try to eat the roots and the leaves of brussels sprouts. Hence, it is crucial to get information on how to get rid of garden maggots.
SlugsSlugs are quite common in your garden. Hence, make sure to inform yourself on how to control slugs and snails to protect sprout plants as best as possible.
CutwormsCutworms may feed on the plant material of brussels sprouts. Hence, make sure to check out how to get rid of cutworms.
HornwormsSimilar to cutworms, hornworms can also do lots of damage to sprout plants. You can control hornworms by using kieselgur or removing hornworms by hand manually.
NematodesNematodes can greatly slow down the growth of brussels sprouts. You can get rid of nematodes by spraying a solution of vinegar and water onto the leaves of your plants.
Leaf minersLeaf miners will try to feed on the leaves of brussels sprout plants. You can control leaf miners by spraying your plants with neem oil or insecticidal soap.
CaterpillarsCaterpillars are quite common pests in your garden when growing sprouts. Make sure to get more information on how to get rid of caterpillars and loopers.
WhitefliesWhiteflies may also populate sprout plants. You can find easy ways to get rid of whiteflies.

Brussels Sprouts Diseases

DiseaseHow to control it
Plant rustPlant rust is quite common when growing sprouts at home. Hence, make sure to get more information on how to treat rust.
Damping-offDamping-off happens if seeds and seedlings don’t get proper growing conditions. Hence, to avoid damping-off, make sure to provide optimal lighting and soil conditions to your plants.
Powdery mildewPowdery mildew can slow down the growth of sprout plants. Hence, make sure to inform yourself how to control powdery mildew on garden plants.
Downy mildewSimilar to powdery mildew, downy mildew is another plant disease that often populates on sprout plants. You can get rid of downy mildew by making sure that air can circulate well and that you also don’t water your plants too often.
Leaf spotLeaf spot is a quite common plant disease of brussels sprouts. Since it can be quite harmful, it is crucial that you get more information on how to get rid of leaf spot.
Fusarium wiltFusarium wilt can be quite detrimental to brussels sprouts. You can control fusarium wilt in your garden by just removing infested plant material to avoid further spread in your garden.
MoldMold is a plant disease that is often caused by insufficient air circulation. Feel free to find out how to get rid of plant mold.
Black rotBlack rot can lead to the decay of sprout plants. Black rot is pretty difficult to control. You can try using neem oil and also make sure that you slow down your watering schedule.
ClubrootOnce clubroot is present, it will be pretty difficult to get rid of it. Make sure to remove infested plants as soon as possible to avoid the spread of clubroot in your garden.

Brussels Sprouts Plant Diseases & Pests – Summary List

HornwormsBlack rot
WhitefliesPowdery mildew
CaterpillarsDowny mildew
NematodesFusarium wilt
SlugsLeaf spot
Leaf miners

How to deal with Brussels Sprouts Pests & Diseases?

Now that you know how to get rid of brussels sprouts pests and diseases in a proper manner, you might also want to have a look at my growing brussels sprouts FAQ section and on how to grow brussels sprouts from seed to harvest.


Own experience.

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